A successful newborn session can be largely dependent on successfully preparing for the session. I always send my newborn clients information on how to successfully prepare their baby for their newborn session. Some babies are really sleepy and would do great regardless and some babies are having a rough day and no amount of preparing seems to help. However, most babies benefit from a little preparation.

- Newborn sessions are best held between 5 and 14 days. It’s best to not do the session before five days as often Mom’s milk hasn’t come in yet and Mom and baby need time to settle and bond. Some babies continue to do great following day fourteen but prior to day fourteen is when the baby is still sleepy enough to allow for the newborn posing that is required. Baby acne also tends to pop up after the two week mark.

2. Keep the baby up for 1-2 hours prior to the newborn session. This will hopefully allow for baby to easily fall asleep at the beginning of the session and stay asleep for the entirety of the session. Don’t try to keep baby up for longer than two hours as then he or she will likely be overtired. I always recommend a long feed followed by some awake time, a bath and then getting ready to head to the studio for the session. But the biggest thing is to not stress out about this. Can’t keep baby awake? No big deal. Baby will still sleep at the studio, it is not worth stressing you or baby out over.

3. Plan your outfits
I always strongly encourage family photos. Not only will they be great for you to look back over but I always think about how incredibly special that will be for your child to see when they are grown. I recommend a white or cream tank top or shirt for Mom, and any siblings and a black or white shirt for dad. This keeps the photos simple so the focus is on the baby.

4. Expect to Follow Your Babies Lead
When a newborn arrives at my studio for their photo session they typically fall asleep within ten to fifteen minutes and stay asleep for the entire session. However, this does not always happen. Some babies are having a rough day. Some are cluster feeding, some have a sore belly and some just hate being touched and positioned. I will never force your baby into a pose that he is uncomfortable with. So while you may have an idea of photos that you want to get (and I do as well!) we will always follow babies lead and get the photos that he or she is comfortable with. And for some babies that means that they will be wrapped up their entire session so that they can feel safe and secure and need to be re-positioned less.