I typically follow the same workflow for every session which allows for my galleries to be consistent with the same newborn poses. There are some babies who simply don’t like certain poses or can’t get comfortable in them for whatever reason. If this occurs then I never push it and we simply move onto the next pose. Having a workflow with a variety of newborn poses means that it’s not a big deal if some of the poses aren’t working as I know exactly which newborn pose to move onto next. I thought I would share some of my favourite newborn poses with you from my most recent newborn session. This little girl was a dream so I was able to do every pose in my workflow.
Hands on Cheek pose – I love how this pose always shows the squishy newborn cheeks. Womb Pose – This pose earns it’s name as it is likely similar to how most babies were positioned in the womb. For this reason, babies tend to love this pose and settle into it easily. I love the little baby toes peeking out in this pose and how it really shows how tiny newborn babies are.Bum Up – This is probably my favourite newborn pose. Babies almost always love it and I love that it shows their squishy rolls, cheeks and lips while also showing you their cute little faces. Belly Pose – I always transition to this pose right after bum up. I love getting this one from different angles that again show those chubby cheeks. Can you tell I love baby cheeks? Tucked In Pose – This pose focus on the babies face which I love. It works great for boys and girls and is extra adorable with a little sleep cap added on a boy.Bucket Pose – I love how bucket poses focus on the babies face and allow you to mix up how it looks with different buckets, blankets and props. Babies always seem to love this pose too and settle really quickly if they even wake up during the transition.
Parent Poses – parent poses are always my favourite! Without exception. Sibling Photos – Sibling photos aren’t always my favourite. Sometimes they can be difficult to get due to toddlers but when I do get the photo I am always so happy with the end result and I know that the parents will treasure it. These girls did great and were likely the best older siblings I’ve ever had so it was an easy photo to get and a priceless photo for their parents.